Nutritional Consultation
"Are you happy?"
Since you're reading this, you're already aware of how much value this coaching has for you...
Testimony from Kowie Swart : "And so our bodies change. We get despondent...the scales are not moving....we do not look in the mirror anymore. I have a wonderful friend that will say....you know what, it is time for new pics. I have done a park walk a few times. Started to cycle in the mornings...10 minutes. I have weak days, I have low days. I am human. But i can see the changes...slowly but surely. I have a wonderful coach and I get a lot of support from him.
Please do not give up. If I can do it so can you. In 4 months time I have lost 10 kilos and 50cm. Thanks Morne for being there for me."
"My life has changed for good. I can do so much more.....like doing my own pedicure. I can pick up things from the floor. I can work in the garden. I can go on parkrun walks. I have learned to cope in storms around me. I am looking for things that brings joy. I try not to focus on what is wrong....rather embrace what is right. This journey was not easy but I have a coach who is there for me. I have learned that i am enough."
"Also mention that I'm off my high blood pressure and diabetic medication as well as on a quarter of my heart failure medication..."
We all want to look good...
What you eat either raises insulin and you gain weight or not, and you lose weight.
Coaching is all about accountability fore mostly towards yourself and ensuring that you're following the principles of the Big Breakfast.
95% of Your Body Shape is
What You Eat
5% is Exercise
Exercise will be for the purpose of strengthening muscles, toning the body and if need be reducing stress.
We also want to feel good...
How we feel affects our thoughts and our thoughts in turn affect our feelings.
The feelings are linked to our physical body as well and what we eat affects how our body responds for example sugars may cause inflammation which make us feel pain.
Our thoughts also affect how we feel.
For eg .Society has ideas on what a woman must look and act like which will impact how she thinks about her physical appearance and might feel ashamed as she don't "measure up". Just imagine how that will affect every day life...
Consultation via Skype, Zoom, Facebook Messenger/Whatsapp video call
Abundant life:
Joy, Peace and Love;
No judgement (Self or others);
No Condemnation (Self or others);
No taking offense;
No Holding Grudges;
No Un-forgiveness;
No Shame;
No Guilt and;
No Worry;
Is this attainable? Most definitely!!
Yesterday's gone, tomorrow might never come... Take massive action today!