Journey back in time with Tanya O'Toole

BB Natural Health

Journey back in time with Tanja O'Toole

July 24, 2015
My Banting started due to a visit to Rheumatology, after many months of terrible muscle and bone fatigue and pain. On the 29th June was my diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. With a heavy body and heart I was discharged back to my GP to manage my condition with severe medication.
Wednesday the 1st July my Banting breakfasts and dinners started. Weighing in a whopping 117kg, I made a decision enough was enough. First four days, two of which had small amount of bread ( 5 croutons) in a salad and about 3 tablespoons of mash at a formal meal. I am a chocoholic. No chocolate since the 30 June, and chips.
In 10 days I was 3.175kg, by the 17th another 2.494 kg and today another 0.907. ( I get weighed in stones and pounds.)So I got the scale changed over to kg. weighing 111kg . I have lost 6kg in 24 days.
My Fibromyalgia symptoms have dramatically improved. No pain relief needed, I was only taking paracetamol. A little fatigue of my legs. Some hand discomfort. Some stiffness but manageable.
I am not snacking or nibbling between b/fast and dinner. 8-12 hours. Water when thirsty, Rooibos tea too.
Thank you to my Amazing Sister and all who have inspired me from this group, these last 24 days.
BB Natural Health


September 30, 2015
Today 3 months ago, (already) I started this Banting journey! A life changing decision, that was made and I am proud to say I have maintained control and discipline since then. 13.154kg and 35.56cm off. I have an awesome Banting Buddy, Di Salt, my sister Natasha Munro, a UK Whatsapp group for support too. The support from TBBBD just as supportive. My fibromyalgia is under control, and not in control of me or taking any meds. Each meal is planned, keeping them interesting, tweaking when needed. My 'spike' day each Friday, is handled well and choices are good. As the journey continues it is less of an effort and more of my 'new' Lifestyle.

July 1, 2016
26.3kg off. On this awesome journey.
My 1year Banting anniversary!

BB Natural Health

September 24, 2016
Nearly 15 months and 30.4kg less! This journey continues and just loving my new zest for Life.
Thanks for all the encouragement and support from my nearest and dearest and those all in the BBBD.

October 1, 2016
15 months ago I started my Health Correcting journey.
30.4kg lighter and over 100cm. My diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, living with pain and fatigue, and increasing my risk of diabetes and other health problems. A drastic decision had to be made and I did by finally 'listening' to my sister and my poorly body.
Amazing help and support and encouragement received from seeing members 'before and after' and meal pics. Big shout out to Charles, Riaan, Diana, Tracy, Zu and many others on this awesome journey. THANK YOU.
I am healthier, happier and looking forward. Fibromyalgia still affects my daily life but I know it's not from the food I consume but from 'over doing' or not doing enough. Discovering Sugar is Poison, Sugar is pain; sugar causes 'flare ups' of severe FM pain. Still learning to balance activities. Cycling and walking most days,doing Tai Chi which is helping the healing from the inside.
Strict discipline and control, we are the drivers on this journey. Xx

BB Natural Health

October 29, 2016
First time in a saddle after 23 years!
I cannot tell you the immense joy I felt and how weighing a weight that makes this possible! Now off to enjoy the pool and spa.
February 26, 2017
Today as I celebrate my 50th Birthday in Barcelona, I Celebrate how my life has changed. My 'gift' to myself was not to be 'fat' at 50! After nearly 20 months (this Wednesday) I continue on this Awesome journey with the help from the a Dream team and the support from my fellow Banters, I THANK YOU all.

BB Natural Health

May 1, 2017
Today is my 22nd month 'anniversary' today since I started this journey. I have posted this photo before.

I continue starting my day with a Big Breakfast and it sets me up for the day ahead. I still tweak and adapt, I have my spike day ( I admit) I have and do 'stretch' the spike a bit. I know the rules, I keep to the orange list. By upping my carbs on a Sat& Sun. This has to stop, the 'stretching' as the weight loss has plateaued. No falling 'off the wagon' for me, with any junk.

My Fibromyalgia is well controlled virtually by this regime alone. I do get pain and fatigue, usually from over/or under doing things.
As long as I keep away from Sugar. As a number of you know my motto. Sugar is Poison Sugar is Pain.

I have a foot issue which is Posterior tibialis tendonopathy dysfunction. ( Flat feet). Which is very painful and I am undergoing treatment for. Apparently the posterior tibialis is connected to the adrenal gland, and are found to be associated with stress. The plan is to reduce stress, as this affects my FM.

Losing the 31-32kg's, many centimetres too, has amazed many, and myself. My GP is thrilled and with all the support and encouragement I am at my healthiest since starting. No winter chest infections, cycling almost every day, being in control and looking forward as I am continuing my journey.

June 1, 2017 · London, United Kingdom
23 months go this journey started!
My life has changed dramatically!
My sisters 3rd attempt & Fibromyalgia diagnosis setting me on the right path to correcting my Health.
The wonderful help and support from Charles and his Dream Team and other members inspiring me to point.
I promised myself I was not going to be 'fat' @ 50 and I was/am not.
Cycling virtually daily, swimming more recently and enjoying Zest for Life.
I measured myself when I 1st started, total cm loss is 125.73cm or 49.5inches. Weight loss 32kg's or 5stone or 70.5lbs.
Now if I can Do this anyone can.

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July 1, 2017 · London, United Kingdom
Two years ago today I started this awesome journey of correcting my health and losing weight. My wonderful, concerned sister told me 3times to try out this regime. I finally listened and decided enough was enough! A Fibromyalgia diagnosis meant I had to take drastic action too.
I have lost 32.6kg in total, 125.7cm loss all over.
I am fitter, healthier and this journey continues.
Thank you to all of TBBBD 'Dream Team', my sister Natasha, family and friends for being my support since 2015!xx


May 17, 2018 · London, United Kingdom
As you asked, here is my before and after pic! Lol
The 1st pic is of my much loved 32yr old bike, regarded as a vintage one. The 2nd pic is of my new bike which I will be competing in the London to Brighton Charity ride for the British Heart Foundation. On the 17th June.
I have had this on my ‘bucket list’ for a long time. As I approach my 3rd year on this Lifestyle, I have made this possible!
This bike has 24 gears, disc brakes and will be ideal to do the hills on the ride.
3rd pic of me, in Spain before and 4th pic of me returning from my 50th birthday treat in Barcelona (30kg lighter).

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June 1, 2018 · London, United Kingdom
35months, ok nearly 3 yrs on this BB regime.
I am now ‘back on track’. I have been doing, but over eating the right food. Portion distortion. Cheese also became the ‘new’ chocolate. Spike day was kinda ‘stretched’ over 2/3 days. I don’t spike with junk.
From last Saturday till today 2.495kg less. Feeling really inspired and I know I can DO this, and not lose my WHY, and keep it NEARBY

June 17, 2018
I did it! 85 km later and a huge huge bucket list item ‘ticked’.
I had cooked and packed a BB, and ‘forgot’ to eat! I saw ‘black spots’ and was very nearly wanting to throw up. I had to stop and rest and eat. A lesson learnt.
I am now shattered and need to power shower and get to bed. xxx
I would never had done this without my Zest for Life and my BB’s.

BB Natural Health


July 6, 2018 · Isleworth, United Kingdom
Whoop Whoop! I am 6.35kg lighter and now under 90kg. Yes, I am not at my lightest but I am the Driver and I am in control

July 22, 2018
After a two hour walk in the local park, I met with a friend for a 4 hour Cycle ride. Doing some hill training and covering a lot of km’s. My friend is doing a Cycle trip in Vietnam next month. I did this all in a ‘fasted state’ and then was so ready to eat a biggish meal at a lovely pub. Feel shattered but so pleased.

BB Natural Health

September 17, 2018
102.998km yesterday!!!
I thought I had died during the last 10km or so! Amazing scenery and company with awesome support. Showered and fell into bed, could not even eat. Operating on very little ‘fat’! Today onto Rotterdam, plenty of protein and a little carb.
I cannot believe how I am experiencing this ride. Thanks to Charles and Morne for ‘changing’ my life and all the members for following my journey.

September 17, 2018
Now in Rotterdam, staying in the cube buildings, in the hostel. I actually cycled with the ‘fast’ group and found it better for me. Today cycled 105.8km

31 May 2019 

I had been struggling with things a bit. I ‘threw in the towel’ and I was so ‘gatvol’ with everything Else going on in my life. I came off my, and my oh my I created such issues for myself. (Mind you only for a week) Dashed to the loo, 4 times ( day 2).

The lethargy and the Fibromyalgia was just awful. I struggled to get up the stairs, and had to crawl. ( within 4 days of that week, I was determined to get back) I have been fully on track since last Sunday.

I am Sooooo much happier and my detoxing pains a reminder that I cannot live any other way. As I approach my 4th year and still NO chocolate, and how much better I feel. The weight off in a week has been about 3kg’s.

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I am also preparing to do my 85km ride from London to Brighton on the 16th of June.

Let's see what the rest of 2019 has in store....